Editor's Note: Haven't updated the blog in quite a long time now...lots of Fox River fishing action to report. Cap'n Dave Resop has been catching many large flatheads and channel catfish. Bringing the boat this weekend to try for some gar. (!) Circle hooks have been working really well for almost any species on the river lately, so my dad and I stocked up on them last night at Gander Mountain. I'd suggest getting Gamakatsu Octopus Circle; sizes ranging from 2 to 2/0 (maybe even larger than 2/0...need to expirement with larger sizes). I also picked up a Cotten Cordell jointed crankbait to use on our Grandpa's river next month for pike, walleye, and bass. Plan to post some pics in the near future if/when we catch a lunker this weekend. Have a great forth of July weekend!
Just had to bring this up...165 days till ICE FISHING!!!